‘Cook turkey, not your home’: Explosive fryer footage offers sage Thanksgiving advice (VIDEO)

Cooking your Thanksgiving turkey in a deep fryer may sound like a fast – and delicious – preparation method, but be warned: it could result in disaster for both your dinner and your home.
The US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is warning home chefs to “cook the turkey, not your home” by showing just what happens when you drop a frozen turkey into a hot, oil-filled, deep fryer. Spoiler: it can go really, really badly.
The deep frying turkey scenario demonstrates just how quickly the terrifically hot oil can overspill and explode into a raging inferno.
Thanksgiving sees an estimated 1,800 cooking fires on average each year - three times the number on any other given day.
The CPSC also warned that there has been 216 fire or scald/burn incidents involving turkey fryers since 1998, resulting in 81 injuries and more than $9.7 million in property loss.
Those who still intend to cook their turkey in the fryer are warned to do so away from their home – and that means not in the garage or on the porch, either – and always watch it as it cooks.
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