Disney rehires James Gunn after 'pedo' tweet scandal; Twitter grapples with morals

Disney has embraced disgraced director James Gunn back into its bosom, reinstating him as writer and director for Guardians of the Galaxy 3 after less than a year in Hollywood time-out over a history of seedy tweets.
Citing Gunn's public apology and the enthusiastic support of actors who'd worked with him on the franchise, Walt Disney Studios chair Allan Horn welcomed the Marvel director back into the fold on Friday, confirming the script he'd written before being booted off the project in July would be used for part three of the $1.6 billion franchise.
Gunn was kicked off the Marvel franchise after numerous tweets featuring comments on pedophilia, rape, masturbation, and other sexual taboos were brought to the attention of Disney executives. Gunn had characterized the tweets as "shocking jokes" but they suggested, if nothing else, an unhealthy fascination with sexual acts involving children.
— James Gunn (@JamesGunn) March 15, 2019
Gunn was "tremendously grateful" to be given a second chance, tweeting a message that was mixed parts groveling and gratitude in his first on-Twitter act since last year’s un-personing. While in exile from Disney, he'd signed on to write and direct Suicide Squad 2, another big-budget comic book installment, for arch-rivals DC and Warner Bros., but even that act of unfaithfulness didn't ruffle the Disney crew, who'd reportedly been pleading for his return ever since he left.
Many on Twitter erupted in joy, embracing the prodigal son with references to his movies. Fans had actually crowdfunded a billboard for the director during his exile.
You were patient, reserved, fair and most importantly took responsibility. It was an inspiration to myself and many. I’m grateful @Disney did the right thing. We all deserve 2nd chances if we put in the hard work. 👊🏻♥️ pic.twitter.com/aJJYTnyvyy
— Andy Signore (@andysignore) March 15, 2019
WELCOME BACK FRIEND pic.twitter.com/8eg24XrIbC
— Ash Crossan (@AshCrossan) March 15, 2019
While others waved his 10-year-old tweets around in vain, claiming such comments were still beyond the pale
Funny how everything to the left is dog-whistling, but a bunch of "jokes" with no set-up, punchline or funny coming from Pedowood doesn't make a blip on their radar... James Gunn is a pedo, full stop. pic.twitter.com/0mORC9MMCq
— 🦅𝓡𝒜𝒵𝒜𝒩𝒰𝑅🇧🇷 (@kissmyass683) March 15, 2019
James Gunn rehired by #Disney to direct #GuardiansOfTheGalaxy3 As a reminder this is what he tweeted. Still ok with it? The parent in me is distured over the obsession with little boys. Another part believes sometimes people are just asses on the internet and can change. pic.twitter.com/gMHIrkEu19
— Sval (@ImSval) March 15, 2019
Weird move for Disney. Fan-base is ecstatic (😬) -- do millennials have any sensitivity to moral questions at all? Or is their callousness what the victory of "moral relativism" that we worried about in the 1980s means in practice?https://t.co/lpLP98tTXQ
— DemocracyDyingInDarknessCreatedBy#FakeNewsMedia (@boone_jo) March 15, 2019
Mike Cernovich, the conservative blogger who took credit for Gunn's unpersoning back in July, hid his emotions under a declaration of indifference and dozens of passive-aggressive tweets
The media is running a victory lap for James Gunn. Read what James Gunn said, and know that this is what the media supports.https://t.co/jYCxImDH3E
— Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) March 15, 2019
James Gunn wasn't even a top 10 story for me.But if you think Gunn getting rehired hurts me rather than children, you're a sick person and part of the problem. I'll continue doing my journalism and winning!https://t.co/vzlNkkaoYj
— Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) March 15, 2019
Though numerous users pointed out a double standard in rehiring Gunn while Roseanne, whose deplatforming Gunn supported, still languished in limbo.
Oh, and is @therealroseanne back on Roseanne, too? Oh, wait... https://t.co/ujRt9Q3Chf
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) March 15, 2019
Just so I have this rightThe liberal who was hoisted on his own petard when fired for the same things he advocated firing conservatives for got his job back all while never once advocating forgiveness of conservatives, none of whom got THEIR jobs back?& This is a good thing?
— John Philpot (@lujlp) March 15, 2019
Can we ask that given his redemption he sends a conciliatory note to Roseanne Barr and others he publicly demanded be fired on twitter as part of mobs? It would be churlish and insulting if he didn't. Or are wealthy leftists still allowed to end careers?
— Samantha Sykes (@samanthasykes61) March 15, 2019
Then again, the deplatformed tended to have a few things in common.
Let’s see it happen to someone on the right with such a background as this clown. Until then it is just Libs having it their way: Mobing on non-Libs and then rehiring their own guys.
— Yossi Gestetner (@YossiGestetner) March 15, 2019
So... now we can forgive Roseanne right? And the Covington Boys? And Kavanaugh? And Tucker Carlson?One standard. Only one. For all. For good or for ill.
— RadioFreeCanuck🇨🇦 (@tarchon7) March 15, 2019
Now do Roseanne, Milo, Alex Jones, Tomas Wictor, Bakes Alaska, Laura Loomer, and many many more. Why does James get special treatment. Hint: he’s a leftist.
— Paul Muad’dib (@PaulMuaddib15) March 15, 2019
Even the president's son weighed in.
I’m sure Media Matters will be all over this given how terrible and voluminous his comments were... or is there just a very different standard for conservatives??? https://t.co/DuSyIhip6d
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) March 15, 2019
Blame was duly assigned,
Almost as big as Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 would have been, if you didn't let James Gunn be fired because of manufactured outrage by rapist white supremacists. #RehireJamesGunn
— #Bendemption Rogers (@Jones6192) March 14, 2019
Disney made the wrong choice because they paid attention to what an alt right asshole who has made terrible comments brought up against you. They corrected that. We're going to have a GotG trilogy by Mr. James Gunn as it should be. And we're all winners for it. Congratulations!
— emilio pereira (@emperend) March 15, 2019
and a few people might have learned something.
I think it is important to always separate the art from the artist simply because that person isn't the only person involved in the production of that piece of entertainment. Going forward, yes... make a stand, but why punish the hundreds of people involved before.
— Cobra Commander (@_CobraCommander) March 13, 2019
\\I'm not mad about James Gunn. It shows Cancel Culture is starting to lose it's grip. Maybe people will stop using decade old shit to get folks fired. From Cenk to Roseanne.
— Akai, Sara: The Emerald Executioner (@Sara_Akai_253) March 15, 2019
James Gunn should have never been fired, to begin with.They should also give Roseanne Barr her job back
— Jack Slammer (@RealJackSlammer) March 15, 2019
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