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23 Apr, 2019 05:21

Graham goads Dems to proceed with Trump’s impeachment, as Pelosi urges caution

Graham goads Dems to proceed with Trump’s impeachment, as Pelosi urges caution

A fervent supporter of US President Donald Trump, Sen. Lindsey Graham has challenged Democrats to work up the courage and go for the impeachment, while the Democratic leadership warned against rushing in.

Graham (R-South Carolina) taunted the Democrats to prove their conviction of Trump’s inadequacy by going ahead with impeachment proceedings. The Senator made his remark speaking to CNN on Monday. Asked what he thought about the Democrats pushing for a congressional investigation into whether Trump had obstructed justice, Graham said that he believed that the Mueller report should have been “the final word on this.”

He argued that those who disagree should roll up their sleeves and follow through on their rhetoric.

If you really think he needs to be impeached, have the courage of your conviction just don’t talk about it, do it.

While the Mueller report failed to produce evidence of Trump-Russia collusion, or to decide whether there was obstruction of justice by the president, impeachment rhetoric has not become any less popular among rank-and-file Democrats and even some presidential candidates. On Monday, Sen. Kamala Harris and Sen. Elizabeth Warren doubled down on their respective calls to kickstart impeachment proceedings.

“I believe Congress should take the steps toward impeachment,” Harris said at a CNN town hall in New Hampshire on Monday.

At her own CNN town hall on Monday night, Warren urged her fellow party members to disregard concerns that pursuing impeachment may jeopardize the 2020 prospects for the Democrats. “There is no political inconvenience exception to the Constitution,” she said.

She argued that impeaching Trump is a natural cause for any politician that values democracy and that the contents of the Mueller report were more than enough to successfully impeach. “If any other human being in this country had done what’s documented in the Mueller report, they would be arrested and put in jail. Obstruction of justice is a serious crime in this country,” she said.

Also on rt.com Twitterati pounce on MSNBC for sending reporter to pester Mueller near church on Easter Sunday

Meanwhile, House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi reportedly struck a more cautious tone when she spoke to the Democratic committee chairs in a Monday conference call. Pelosi reportedly did not reject the impeachment option, but urged restraint.

Disappointed with the lack of incriminating evidence in the Mueller findings, Democrats fear that an unsupported push for impeachment might backfire with the voters. Seemingly wary of the backlash, Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT) asked Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D - NY), the fourth highest-ranking House Democrat, to commission a poll on whether voters really want impeachment as much as the Democrats do, since otherwise pushing for it could gift Trump a second term in office, CBC News reported.

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