1 student killed, 8 injured in Colorado school shooting

At least one person was killed and eight injured in a shooting at a charter school in Highland Ranch, Colorado, a suburb of Denver. Two suspects have been arrested, both students at the school.
Multiple people were shot at STEM School Highlands Ranch on Tuesday afternoon just before 2pm local time.
All of the victims were at least 15 years old.
The sheriff’s office has confirmed on Twitter that an 18-year-old male injured in the shooting has died.
It is with extreme sadness that we can confirm that 1 student at the STEM School was killed in today’s #stemshooting incident. The immediate family has been notified. Douglas County Coroner Jill Romann has not officially identified the student is stating it’s an 18 year old male.
— DC Sheriff (@dcsheriff) May 8, 2019
Douglas County Sheriff Anthony Spurlock told a press conference that the attackers, who the authorities have so far refused to identify, targeted students in two different locations after they went “deep inside the school.” Neither of the two suspects were known to law enforcement prior to the rampage, he said.
The suspects are in custody.One of them is a juvenile; both are students. There is no longer believed to be a third suspect, according to Douglas County Undersherriff Holly Nicholson-Kluth. A lockout of all Douglas County schools has been lifted, but after-school activities have been canceled for the entire district.
Whole group of swat officers heading up the hill. I’m at 630 Plaza down the hill from the school @DenverChannelpic.twitter.com/tIJL3Bt44X
— Josh Whitston (@JoshWhitston) May 7, 2019
Administrators called police after shots were fired in the middle school, and first responders were reportedly able to apprehend the suspects within minutes.
The suspects were not injured in the altercation.
Investigators from both the FBI and the ATF arrived at the scene.
Kids lined up at STEM school in Highlands Ranch, Colorado #Denver7pic.twitter.com/5nZAolXHXs
— Jacob Curtis (@JacobCurtis) May 7, 2019
Multiple air ambulance helicopters were spotted landing on the school grounds.
3rd medical helicopter landing by the school now @DenverChannelpic.twitter.com/1Hg7eLGkA6
— Josh Whitston (@JoshWhitston) May 7, 2019
From my mom’s office window across from the STEM school in Highlands Ranch @9NEWS#beon9pic.twitter.com/FYiozs8Nba
— Kayla (@ShesAllGlowedUp) May 7, 2019
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