Accused gay cannibal pleads insanity to charges he killed & ate parts of Grindr date

A Michigan man who allegedly killed and ate the testicles of a man he’d met on gay dating app Grindr has pleaded insanity and claimed royal lineage as authorities have expanded the investigation to include other possible victims.
Mark Latunski is charged with open murder and mutilation of a body after reportedly confessing to stabbing 25-year-old Kevin Bacon in the back, slitting his throat, and hanging him by his ankles from the rafters of his home in Morrice - only to later cut off and eat the dead man’s testicles.
Also on A modest proposal indeed: Academia considers cannibalismLatunski’s lawyer has filed an insanity plea, citing a history of mental illness including four court-ordered stays in an institution. Latunski believes he is a member of a royal family from Wales with another name, his lawyer claimed on Wednesday. The judge has ordered a forensic evaluation.
Bacon, a hairstylist, met Latunski on Christmas Eve through Grindr and was reported missing by his family the next morning when he failed to turn up for Christmas breakfast. His car was found near his home, with his belongings inside – including his phone, which allowed police to trace his likely location based on conversations with Latunski on the app. Police found his body, still hanging from the rafters of Latunski’s home, on December 28 and arrested the confessed cannibal.
Michigan State Police have widened the scope of their investigation to include two other recent incidents at Latunski’s home, and the FBI has also gotten involved. In November, police were called to the residence after a 29-year-old man was seen running from the scene with blood on his face, screaming for help and clad only in a leather kilt - but the man didn’t press charges and it was determined at the time that no crime had been committed.
A man from New York had fled the home the previous month and called police in a similar case, but no charges were filed then either. Latunski was charged with kidnapping in 2013 for allegedly absconding with two of the four children he had with his ex-wife, but that case was dismissed.
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