‘God made you impotent for a reason’: Viagra rises to top Twitter trend after SCOTUS ruling on birth control healthcare mandate

If pregnancy is God’s will, so is erectile dysfunction, argued critics of the new US Supreme Court ruling that allowed employers to exclude birth control from health insurance plans on religious or moral grounds.
On Wednesday, the court upheld a Trump administration rule which allows employers to opt out of an Obamacare mandate to cover birth control in their insurance plans. Amid an impassioned social media outpouring from both supporters and detractors, came a flood of comments pointing out that erectile dysfunction drug Viagra will still be covered.
Many critics seized on that to argue that SCOTUS favored religious objections to women’s reproductive freedom, but not men’s.
Employers cover Viagra, but can now refuse to cover birth control, which is often used by women for medical treatment and not just contraception. The law now paves the way for women's medical needs to be further dismissed based on gender-another thing an ERA would have stopped.
— Amee Vanderpool (@girlsreallyrule) July 8, 2020
“If pregnancy is God's will, so is limp d*ck,” one critic of the court ruling tweeted. Another called it an “ultimate d*ck move” by the court.
“God made you impotent for a reason,”tweeted one comedienne, while another argued that Viagra “is against God’s plan for men.”
Viagra is against God’s plan for men! Your dick has died a natural death, let it rest in mediocrity(Amen). Popping pills for a woody is A SIN against God! Does God make mistakes? No!There is a reason why your dicks have an expiration date and we should respect it. SINNERS! https://t.co/nAsiKdqFMi
— ✨Doreen✨ (@DoreenGLM) July 8, 2020
Religious and conservative commentators argued that the liberals were comparing apples and oranges. Podcaster Michael Knowles, for example, pointed out that Viagra and birth control pills “are not comparable drugs.”
Critics would have none of it, pointing out that birth control drugs are “often used by women for medical treatment and not just contraception,” much like Viagra is used to treat high blood pressure.
You know that Viagra has functions beyond erections, right? Even pregnant women take Viagra sometimes.Same thing with birth control — it can actually be used to save lives and help to regulate certain bodily functions. Men can benefit from estrogen, too.
— Hoarse Man of the Apocalypse (@thomdunn) July 8, 2020
The Supreme Court just can’t seem to catch a break. Liberals loved it last month, when it expanded the definition of “sex” to include sexual orientation and transgenderism under non-discrimination statutes, and blocked the administration’s attempt to revoke Obama-era protections for illegal immigrants. President Trump subsequently vowed to make a list of more accommodating conservative nominees to put on the bench when the time comes.
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