#WhiteLivesDontMatter? Police investigating brutal brick attack on Baltimore man despite missing victim (VIDEO)

31 Aug, 2020 21:21 / Updated 5 years ago
© Instagram / councilmanetc

Baltimore police have confirmed they’re probing a brutal attack on a white man hit in the head with a brick. The attacker appeared to have accomplices filming and laughing. However, no victim has come forward, local media report.

The victim was hit in the head in the Sharp-Leadenhall neighborhood of south Baltimore on Sunday evening, police told local media, affirming the content of a disturbing video that went viral on Sunday. 

The victim’s assault was filmed by a group who seemed to be in league with the attacker, shooting video from across the street and laughing uproariously as the assailant’s brick connected with his quarry’s skull.

The clip was originally posted to Instagram by user traysavage_, who appeared to be glorifying the assault and casting it in racial terms. “YOUNG MAN YOU GOT KNOCKED TF OUT,” he wrote, in between crying-laughing emojis. “B**CH YOU BET[TER] NOT RUN,” the post continued, adding the hashtag #WhiteLivesDoNotMatter before the more familiar #BlackLivesMatter. The victim appeared to be white and the attacker black, though neither’s faces were visible in the footage that has gone viral on social media.

According to the person who called in the assault to police, the two men had an argument and the victim walked away. The attacker then reportedly picked up two bricks and ran to catch up with his prey, surprising him with an attack from behind. 

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It’s not clear whether the victim knew his assailant before their altercation, and all police found when they turned up on the scene was a pool of blood.

The attacker fled the scene after incapacitating his victim, and by some reports the victim merely got up and walked away – though it’s hard to imagine how, given the blow he sustained.

Residents of Baltimore and strangers alike lamented this kind of violence was common.

Conservative commentators quickly picked up the video, noting the complete absence of commentary from the media on the racial aspect of the violence. 

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