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18 Sep, 2020 19:50

‘BLM Karen’: Activist rages against drugstore manager, claims he RISKED LIVES by calling police on black shoplifters

‘BLM Karen’: Activist rages against drugstore manager, claims he RISKED LIVES by calling police on black shoplifters

A Black Lives Matter activist in Washington has gone into social media hiding after her efforts to dox a CVS drugstore manager for calling the police on two suspected shoplifters didn't go over as swimmingly as she planned.

The chain of events began when the woman, Charity Sade, started recording police who were questioning two black men outside a CVS store. At one point, an officer warns one of the suspects not to interrupt him while he's talking to the other man, saying “His freedom is dependent on your actions.” Sade then interjects, asking the officer for his name and badge number.

She then films another video of herself confronting the CVS manager inside the store for calling the police. The manager explains that it's company policy to contact the police when a shoplifter exits the store without paying for merchandise. He added that he chose not to press charges against the men, but asked the police to inform them that they could no longer shop at his store.

Sade then berates the manager, saying, “It's not your merchandise. It's the store's. So, you know what happens... You decided to call the police on two black people that stole, that allegedly took something from the store because you're willing to uphold the policy, and they could have lost their lives.”

When the manager replied that he follows CVS policy, not the woman's policy, Sade said, “So you're willing to risk someone's lives for what, $30,000 a year?”

The manager told her that he saw no such risk, thanked her and began to walk away, at which point Sade asked for his name. When he refused to answer, she asked another employee. The manager shot back: “No one's going to tell you my name when you're in here videotaping us so that you can try to elicit some sort of violence. It's not going to happen.” Sade then attempted to turn the tables, accusing the manager of trying to elicit violence against the black men by calling the police.

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The woman, who identifies herself as a comedian, activist and teacher, posted the videos to her Twitter account on Thursday, including a picture of the CVS manager and the policeman's badge number, along with hashtags #BLM and #PeopleOverProperty. To her surprise, reaction was overwhelmingly negative and she later made her Twitter account private and deleted her Instagram account. She also attempted to organize a protest outside the store on Facebook.

Twitter users saved Sade's videos before access to her accounts was blocked, enabling the discussion of her conduct to continue. Author and media critic Mark Dice called her a BLM “Karen,” while conservative commentator Ben Shapiro said anyone who disagreed with the CVS manager's explanation “should be institutionalized.” Journalist Jessica O'Donnell of The Blaze said that lowering standards for black people, suggesting that they should be allowed to shoplift, is “actually the racist thing in the scenario.”

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Another Twitter user said: “Dear Karma, Please provide BLM Karen's address to the shoplifters in question. She is fine with theft and will welcome them into her home. She will not call the police.”

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