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6 Oct, 2020 17:14

Paranoid Harvard lecturer & CNN analyst mocked for pushing conspiracy theory about Russian spies at Trump’s hospital

Paranoid Harvard lecturer & CNN analyst mocked for pushing conspiracy theory about Russian spies at Trump’s hospital

A Harvard lecturer, who moonlights as an “analyst” on CNN, has been busy pushing a crazy conspiracy theory that Russia has spies in Walter Reed military hospital, where US President Donald Trump received treatment for Covid-19.

Juliette Kayyem claimed on Twitter that it is “very likely” that Russian agents infiltrated the hospital and gained access to information about Trump’s medical condition.

Kayyem, who is a senior lecturer in international security at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, provided absolutely no evidence for her wild theory. But, hey, a lack of evidence has never been an issue for Russophobes in the past.

The message came amid a frenzy of speculation about President Trump’s health and accusations that the White House was not being transparent with the American public.


“It is very likely that Russian intelligence agencies – through signal and human intel sources at Walter Reed, etc – have more information about the President's condition than we do,” the talking head tweeted.

Twitter users were less than impressed with Kayyem’s unsupported speculation and quickly took to mocking the so-called analyst. Many also took aim at CNN for giving a platform to someone who would make such claims without any supporting evidence.

“Imagine how shocked I was when I saw ‘CNN’ in your profile. I would never in a million years have imagined it,” one popular response read. “Juliette you should be writing for comedy,” quipped journalist Patrick Henningsen, along with several ‘crying with laughter’ emojis.

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