Amid multiple confirmed cases of Covid-19 inside the White House, Chief of Staff Mark Meadows was blasted online for taking off his face mask and then refusing to speak to reporters in an overall frantic encounter.
Mark Meadows was approached by Capitol reporters on Monday, just outside Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing.
In a somewhat hectic exchange with the press Meadows decided to “pull away” the stationary microphone to supposedly get “more than ten feet away” from the reporters and be able to more safely speak to them without a face mask.
A disapproving “Oh” could be heard coming from one of the journalists. This prompted the chief of staff to quickly don his mask back on and walk away into the corridor. “I’m not going to talk through a mask,” Meadows can be heard saying, notably through a mask.
The somewhat awkward exchange between the politician and the reporters went viral online, as commenters were accusing Meadows of not understanding the “science” behind the mask’s alleged importance. “White House reveals they still have not educated staff on the science of Covid-19,” quipped actor Patrick Heusinger.
The anti-mask camp, on the other hand, viewed Meadows’ refusal as him “destroying the whining press.”
The White House did experience its own epidemic at the beginning of October when multiple officials tested positive for the virus, most notably President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania.
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