Biden calls America ‘a beacon’ for the globe, vows to lead by ‘power of example’

8 Nov, 2020 02:01 / Updated 4 years ago

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has thanked American voters for delivering “a clear victory” for him in the US election, calling America a “beacon for the globe” and promising to lead it by setting an example.

"Tonight the whole world is watching America and I believe at our best, America is a beacon for the globe. We will lead not only by the example of our power but by the power of our example," Biden said, adressing the nation on Saturday evening.

Biden, whose victory in the US presidential election was called by the Associated Press and other US media, said he wants to “restore the soul of America” and “rebuild the backbone of the nation – the middle class,” calling on his opponents to look past their political differences and “give each other a chance.”

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Biden, who was introduced by his running mate Kamala Harris as the president-elect of the United States, said that the “people of this nation” have delivered him a “clear” and “convincing” victory in the election. Although AP is considered to be an authoritative source as far as projections are concerned, the final outcome of the election will not be known until electoral votes are certified in December, or until Trump concedes.

Trump, meanwhile, indicated that he is prepared to take the battle over the election as far as the US Supreme Court, arguing that he "won" the contest. The Trump campaign has mounted multiple legal challenges in battleground states, alleging electoral process violations, such as barring its observers from poll stations, and the existence of backdated ballots.

In his remarks, Biden repeatedly struck a conciliatory note, saying that he “does not see” blue and red states, but rather the country as a whole.

 It’s time to put away the harsh rhetoric. We should stop treating our opponents like enemies. They are not enemies, they are Americans. This is time to heal in America.

While touting America as the nation other countries should supposedly fall in line with, Biden has not spoken much about his foreign policy strategy during the campaign. While Trump wanted his final presidential debate with Biden to focus on foreign policy, as per longstanding tradition, topics like the coronavirus pandemic, race, climate change and national security took center stage instead.

Also on Biden has defeated Trump. Meet the new boss… same as the old boss

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