‘McCarthy would be proud’: Tapper slammed for warning Trump supporters to consider ‘what future employers’ might see in them

9 Nov, 2020 21:03

CNN’s Jake Tapper has been accused of promoting a political blacklist against conservatives after warning Trump supporters to think about how “future employers” will judge their character as a result of their political views.

“I truly sympathize with those dealing with losing – it’s not easy,” Tapper tweeted on Monday amidst President Donald Trump refusing to concede the election to Democrat Joe Biden and accusing, along with supporters, various states of voter fraud.

“But at a certain point one has to think not only about what’s best for the nation (peaceful transfer of power) but how any future employers might see your character defined during adversity,” Tapper continued, adding that he doesn’t expect the “ride-or-die crew to listen” to his views.

Tapper may have claimed “sympathizing” with Trump supporters, but the rest of his message was torn to shreds, with some even comparing him to Joseph McCarthy, the infamous US senator behind public hearings outing citizens as possible communists, and keeping them from working.

“Joe McCarthy would be proud,” Breitbart’s John Nolte tweeted. 

“This doesn’t read like a truly sympathetic tweet,” Washington Examiner’s Jerry Dunleavy added.

“Dear @TwitterSafety: @jaketapper is threatening the livelihoods of those who disagree with him like a good totalitarian. Why are you allowing this?” conservative filmmaker Nick Searcy wrote.

Tapper is not alone in being accused of promoting a blacklist of sorts for conservatives in the wake of Donald Trump’s presidential defeat. 

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York) drew pushback from critics after suggesting on Twitter that people should be “archiving” posts from Trump “sycophants” for future reference. 

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