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19 Nov, 2020 22:22

Running hair dye, ‘My Cousin Vinny’: liberals focus on everything BUT voter fraud allegations at Giuliani press conference

Running hair dye,  ‘My Cousin Vinny’: liberals focus on everything BUT voter fraud allegations at Giuliani press conference

Donald Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani was praised by many conservatives for laying out massive voter fraud allegations during a Thursday press conference, but critics on Twitter were consumed with the event’s odder moments.

The former New York City mayor made major claims while speaking to the press on Thursday, alleging numerous witness statements prove voter fraud occurred across the country, stealing an election victory from President Trump, who continues to contest the results in multiple states. 

Among his claims were that hundreds of thousands of ballots were not properly inspected in Pennsylvania, ballots were backdated in Detroit, Michigan, some Trump ballots were tossed, and Republican observers were forced to stand at a distance so far from ballots being counted that they could not verify the accuracy of the process.

Also on rt.com Trump lawyers allege ‘MASSIVE’ election fraud, point to sworn statements & efforts to threaten and silence them (VIDEO)

Giuliani slammed the media for not properly covering voter fraud allegations from the Trump campaign and ignoring the various witness affidavits in favor of reporting that there is “no evidence” of Trump’s many assertions.

Several odd moments from Trump’s lawyer gave critics an opportunity to further ignore the allegations. 

One moment pounced on by critics appeared to show a hair product running down Giuliani’s face while he spoke. 

“That Rudy's hair dye is running down his face  is going to piss off the president more than anything,” journalist Yashar Ali tweeted

Giuliani also found himself trending when he referenced the 1992 comedy ‘My Cousin Vinny’ starring Joe Pesci. While it was certainly an unexpected reference to drop during a press conference on alleged voter fraud, Giuliani called it one of his favorite “law movies” and cited a scene from the film to help make his point about observers standing too far away from ballots.

In the film, a witness in a murder investigation claims to have seen the defendants on trial, but Pesci’s Vinny asks her to count how many fingers he’s holding at half the sistance she would have been on the night of the murder. She cannot.

Critics were mostly too shocked by the reference to counter the point. 

“Most successful legal strategies involve your lawyer, sweating profusely, quoting scenes from My Cousin Vinny to the assembled media,” writer Judd Legum tweeted

Even Jenn Ellis, the Trump campaign’s senior legal advisor, could not escape the mockery after she referred to the president’s legal team as an “elite strike force.”

Some pointed to the obsession with the weirder moments from the press conference as a deliberate attempt to ignore Giuliani’s actual points.

“You know @RudyGiuliani unveiled incredibly important information in the press conference when the fake news is only focused on something dumb involving his hair,” political advisor Alex Bruesewitz tweeted

Conservatives, meanwhile, had praise for Giuliani and others for laying out specific examples of the voting irregularities cited so often by him and others, including the president. 

“Rudy is pushing the slaughtermeter up to 98%. He's making a strong case that the fraud is big enough to change the result and the evidence is clear,” author Scott Adams tweeted.

“Kinda fascinating. He’s laying out a case quite clearly but it will be either ignored or mocked by mainstream media. So either it will be nothing, but the process will have run it’s course, or a hell of a lot of people are gonna have their heads explode because they were misled,” author and podcaster Dave Rubin added

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