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6 Feb, 2021 00:55

Hunter Biden’s newly announced memoir briefly makes it to #1 in ‘Chinese biography bestsellers’ on Amazon

Hunter Biden’s newly announced memoir briefly makes it to #1 in ‘Chinese biography bestsellers’ on Amazon

President Joe Biden’s son Hunter briefly hit bestseller status in Amazon’s ‘Chinese biography’ section for a new memoir, for which he was reportedly paid $2 million by the same publisher who scrapped GOP Sen. Josh Hawley’s book.

The ‘Chinese biography’ listing was first reported on Friday by the New York Post, the same newspaper censored on social media in the run-up to the 2020 US presidential election over a story about Hunter’s business dealings in Ukraine and China. After a few hours at the top of the section, however, Amazon scrubbed the ranking, relocating Biden’s memoir to the number-one spot in its ‘Lawyer & Judge biographies’ category. 

Biden was reportedly paid a $2 million advance for the book, titled ‘Beautiful Things’ and said to contain an account of his struggle with drug abuse, among other things. News of the contract – reportedly signed secretly in late 2019 – was only announced on Thursday. 

The memoir is scheduled to be published in early April by Gallery Books, an imprint of Simon & Schuster – the very same publisher who canceled Hawley’s ‘Tyranny of Big Tech’ after the January 6 unrest at the US Capitol.

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Asked about the memoir on Thursday, White House press secretary Jen Psaki called it “a personal book about his own personal journey.”

Psaki also quoted a statement “in their personal capacity as parents” from Joe and Jill Biden, who said they “admire our son Hunter’s strength and courage to talk openly about his addiction so that others might see themselves in his journey and find hope.”

Hunter was discharged from the US Navy Reserve in 2014 over cocaine use. Later that year, he ended up on the board of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma – while his father ran the Obama administration’s Ukraine policy. The Burisma relationship, which only ended in 2019, led to accusations that Vice President Biden bullied Kiev into firing a corruption prosecutor to protect his son, claims the payments to Hunter were really bribes to him, and even the impeachment of President Donald Trump in December 2019 for bringing up the issue on the phone with his Ukrainian counterpart.

Emails retrieved from a laptop Hunter left at a Delaware repair shop surfaced in October 2020, as Biden ran for president against Trump – leading to allegations about Hunter’s business dealings with Ukraine as well as China, trading on the family name.

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Joe Biden denied any improprieties took place, while Democrats rushed to denounce the story as “Russian disinformation” and censor it from social media. Only after the election did it emerge that the laptop and its contents were authentic, and had been investigated by the FBI.

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