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14 Dec, 2021 11:50

Biden’s hands ‘partly tied’ over Ukraine, Democrats claim

Biden’s hands ‘partly tied’ over Ukraine, Democrats claim

Democrats have reportedly written to Republicans in the Senate urging them to enter into talks with the White House over the 2022 appropriations bill, saying the Biden administration desperately needs the funds to support Ukraine.

In a letter seen by CNN, House of Representatives Democrats Tom Malinowski, Steve Cohen, Gerald Connolly, and Marcy Kaptur called on Republicans to hash out a deal on legalization that will see the appropriation of federal funds in 2022. The letter, sent on Monday, was addressed to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senate Appropriations Vice Chairman Senator Richard Shelby. 

The Democrats claim a deal is urgently needed “in part because doing so is necessary to unlock vital additional assistance to Ukraine at a moment when Russian forces are massing on its borders threatening an invasion.” 

The lawmakers said the Biden administration was doing its upmost to deliver essential military hardware to the Ukrainians in an effort to deter Russian President Vladimir Putin from further “brinksmanship.”

As long as we continue to operate on a continuing resolution, the President's hands are partly tied.

“But the administration could begin to do much more with the increased assistance designated in FY22 appropriations for Ukraine,” they noted, adding that millions of dollars designated for the eastern European nation cannot be utilized without the legalization.

Speaking to CNN, Malinowski said that officials had voiced similar concerns in a briefing of the House Foreign Affairs Committee last week. He noted there was widespread concern that Ukraine would be increasingly vulnerable if a spending agreement isn’t reached soon.

Last week Ukraine received the “final elements” of a $60 million security assistance package approved by US President Joe Biden earlier this year. The aid mainly revolved around “small arms and ammunition,” according to Pentagon spokesman John Kirby.

A further $300 million in support to Ukraine was authorized last week in the National Defense Authorization Act, although the funds still need to be appropriated.
