Alex Jones: Drones the beginning of a global Skynet

6 Jun, 2011 20:58 / Updated 14 years ago
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As the US government continues to increase investment in drone technology, some fear they could soon find American skies patrolled by the cold eye of an unmanned aircraft, watching and waiting for them to step out of line.

Many contend that the proliferation of drones has instilled a video game type appeal to those who operate them. Some argue they remove humanity from conflict, making violence all the more likely. Not only does it remove the person from direct contact from their decisions, it also removes a great deal of accountability. Radio host Alex Jones argued that drones are already being used in America and actively fly over the US population in a number of states. “State police have them right here where I live,” he said. “I have seen state police drones fly above my house.”Jones argued it is cheaper to use drones, and even blimps for surveillance, than traditional satellites. He claimed that for years homeland security has tethered blimps above major cities, out of eyesight, to watch and monitor city populations. “This is a Terminator style Skynet, but it’s not the machines running it,” he said. “For now it is humans piloting them like it is a video game.”“It’s the global government.” he added. The system is a surveillance control grid owned by major banks and companies who work with government as part of a global government system to monitor the people. “This is real. Tyranny came to Russian and China in the past. It’s come to America. The whole world is in danger. We’ve been seized. This is a mayday situation. The Republic has been taken,” Jones exclaimed. “Help us.”