Arizona attempts crowd-funding for new border fence

The US state of Arizona is working to raise funds via Internet donations to pay for a longer fence along the US-Mexico border.
Whether the federal government, which holds the legal authority for border issues and immigration, agrees that a fence is required or not appears to be a non issue to Arizona Governor Jan Brewer. Brewer recently signed new legislation into law which requires a new government website be built for the explicit purpose of online fundraising aimed at building a more secure border fence. She plans to the funds to buy supplies and cover certain construction costs. Additional labor will be made up of free-labor from Arizona’s prison population.Arizona, like many other states, is currently experiencing a budget crisis, unable to pay for many services and programs. Those who offer funds will be rewarded with a certificate documenting their efforts to help build Arizona’s wall.The state also uses public donations to fund other projects, such as their legal defense of the infamous Arizona immigration bill.