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8 Jul, 2011 20:40

Americans blindly welcome British Invasion

Americans blindly welcome British Invasion

The British are coming! But this time we’re not putting up a fight. We just celebrated our Independence from the British on July Fourth, so why are Americans going crazy over the arrival of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge?

Homelessness is growing in America.  Banksters contol the global economy.   Deep austerity measures are taking a toll on the poor and most vulnerable.  These are the stories the mainstream media flatly ignores or under-reports.  Instead, you’ll get some over-hyped coverage of the arrival of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in Los Angeles.In a city known for glitz, glamour and Hollywood celebrities, the visit of the Royal newlyweds is drawing massive attention.  So why are so many Americans infatuated with Will and Kate?“It gives us a little bit of culture that we’re not used to,” says Piper Riley, a Los Angeles resident.  “A little class, I think it’s good,” Riley adds.Quirky souvenirs, British flags, even tea pots are hot sellers for giddy Americans who can’t wait for the Royal arrival.  British natives living in Los Angeles, think the new British invasion is a good thing for America.“I think it’s quite funny that the Royal visit is coming right after Independence Day,” saysBen Cohen, Editor of The Daily Banter.  “I always felt kinda lonely on July 4th, given the fact, that you guys fought to kick us out.  Now you’re happy to have us flooding your parties,” Cohen added.While Hollywood elites and California’s own governor prepare to roll out the red carpet for the Duke and Duchess, people living in a not-so glamorous part of Los Angeles can care less about the Royal newlyweds.“What the hell.  Why they coming? Now if they’re going to do something then yippee, hooray,” says one resident of Skid Row, a neighborhood notorious for its huge homeless population. “Who cares. You’re going back to your palace and live goes on,” he adds.Will and Kate’s visit also comes amid a recent Marist poll, which shows one in four Americans do not know basic U.S. history.  Many are unaware that the U.S. declared independence from England in 1776.“More of us are coming over.  I think with Will and Kate, maybe we’re going to re-colonize America,” Cohen remarks jokingly.America may have succeeded in breaking away from Mother England, but it the end, it is the British who may have already succeeded in colonizing American minds.“This is L.A. so it’s perfect because it’s pretty people coming,” says Riley.Flattering looks and photogenic smiles are apparently enough to forget about a tyrannical monarchy, which once controlled this land.
