calls for hardcore praying

4 Feb, 2011 22:17 / Updated 14 years ago

Over 300 American churches are planning to gather on Super Bowl Sunday to commence prayer services, asking God to help the rest of the world stop watching porn. founder Craig Gross and a few players from the NFL will lead the event via live video broadcasts played in churches across the country. Those behind the movement argue porn is killing a generation, turning them into addicts in response to the poor economic times. They claim high divorce and unemployment rates and societal concerns, the young are turning into a porn generation. Porn actress Alia Janine said she is shocked by this movement.“Porn is great for marriages,” she said. “When you have groups like this, I like to call the extremists, they are very controlling. Having something like this on Super Bowl Sunday is definitely trying to test people’s faith in their religion.” Additionally, porn good for America she argued. “It brings in $13 billion a year,” Janine noted. “It provides jobs, it provides an entertainment. It provides a lot of things.” Porn can be helpful, she explained. It can save marriages by preventing partners from cheating. It can even be enjoyed by couples together.“Not watching porn can actually lead to quite a few bad things in a relationship,” she said. The and others have advocated the use of an accountability partner that will be notified instantly if you visit pornography on your computer.Janine argued such a system is great to prevent kids from accessing porn; however for adults it shows a complete lack of trust and self-esteem in relationships. “We are meant to be sexually active,” she said.