Marijuana conviction lands US man in prison for life

9 May, 2011 14:58 / Updated 14 years ago

In Louisiana 35-year-old Cornell Hood II received life in prison following his fourth marijuana conviction under a controversial repeat-offender law.

Hood was found guilty of possession with intent to distribute marijuana. He had been convicted of the same crime three prior times, each time receiving a suspended five-year sentence and five years of probation. However, when Hood’s probation officer made a routine visit to Hood’s home he found approximately two pounds of marijuana. Deputies were alerted and Hood arrested.At trial he was convicted of possession with intent to distribute, which usually carries a maximum of 15 years in prison, but the Judge sentenced Hood to life in prison following arguments by the prosecutor that his repeat history deemed Hood a career criminal. In Louisiana drug offenders may be subject to life in prison after being convicted of any three or more drug charges which could carry a sentence of at least 10 years.