The media isn't reporting the meaning behind Libya

We know the American media is in Libya, but why aren’t they reporting on the military operation that more and more of the country is saying that they are opposed to?
Wayne Madsen was in Tripoli on assignment and says that what the members of the mainstream media reported while on the front “had nothing in common with what we all saw on the grounds.”With the meaning of the military initiative being blurred by the press and the president, Madsen says a gross flux of misinformation is creating a propaganda war to get American support for the Libyan mission, and a recent poll shows that it isn’t working. “The media is silent,” says Madsen. “Worse,” he adds, “they are putting out disinformation rather than reporting facts as they see them on the ground.”Madsen says that Gaddafi is only gaining support in Tripoli, and as rebels rejoin his forces, the media in America does not bother telling people. “Many former rebels say, ‘look, we weren’t happy with Gaddafi,’” says Madsen, but as NATO is slaughtering civilians, they are becoming more in favor of the colonel, despite his reputation, because he is a Libyan national. And, most importantly, not a foreign invader.No matter how the media is painting it, Madsen says, this is far from being just “a Libyan situation.”“This is another constitutional show-down between the White House and Congress,” he says.This comes as 70 lawmakers on Capitol Hill voted to withdraw support for Obama’s war as the president continues to wage a battle that the Legislative Branch isn’t behind.