Obama wants UN to hear Russia’s plan for Syrian chemical weapons

The Associated Press is reporting that United States President Barack Obama has agreed to discuss with the UN a Russian proposal that will require Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad to relinquish his stockpile of chemical weapons.
A White House official has told the AP that the Obama administration will let the Russian-brokered deal be heard by the United Nations. The compromise would require Assad’s regime to surrender a stockpile of chemical weapons that the US says the Syrian leader used to kill more than 1,400 people outside of Damascus on August 21.
According to the AP, Pres. Obama spokes with French President Francois Hollande and British Prime Minister David Cameron early Tuesday before agreeing to take the proposal to the UN Security Council.
The news comes only hours after Syrians Foreign Minister Walid al-Moualem told NBC News that he hoped the compromise would allow for a "peaceful solution" that would "put an end to the war."
A US House panel is discussing the use of military force against Syria Tuesday morning, one day after Obama administration officials said they would continue to press lawmakers to authorize a strike despite news of a possible negotiation. According to the AP, however, the White House now believes a compromise could halt a strike.
Upon news of a possible UN hearing, Rep. Rob Andrew (D-New Jersey) said before the House, “I think there is broad support to try to make that happen.”
Pres. Obama will speak to the world later in the day with an address from the White House scheduled for 9 p.m. Washington-time.