Katie Davison Occupies Wall Street

11 Oct, 2011 21:54 / Updated 13 years ago

Occupy Wall Street is not just a crowd, but individuals who want real change in the US. RT takes a look at one of the faces of the revolution.

They have now camped out near Wall Street for over three weeks. Accused of being chaotic uneducated teenage hippies, in reality it’s the old and the young – and those in between – who are out on the streets. All of the people at Occupy Wall Street come from different walks of life, and while some of the media have tried to present them as a washed-out mass, every face of the revolution made a conscious choice to be here, backed by a personal story.Originally from Texas, 31-year-old Katie Davison studied Political Science in college and is now a film maker volunteering at the camp’s media center. Her family lived the American Dream, until the recession broke it.“I look at the world around me – everyone I know is anxious, depressed, addicted to something, jobless, violent – and those to me, those elements of a broken society represent why all of these people are coming together trying to make this what it is,” she said. What this is to Katie and other occupiers is the beginning of a true revolution.“I feel like this is definitely something that I’ve been working towards my whole life and now I have the opportunity to be part of something that could change the world for the better, and I am so excited,” said the activist to RT. Weeks into the demonstrating, the Occupy Wall Street movement gets accused of not having one clear message.“If you are on a subway car with ten different people, and you ask them all what problems do you have with your government? You would probably have a list of a hundred different demands,” said Davison. But for all their many concerns, their message is the same – the American system needs fixing. If the one percent didn’t just reject the protests at face value, they would see that the group wants change that could be good for everyone.“Right now we are seeing from the one percent a bit of a backlash from the rapid growth of the movement. If I were them, I would be nervous. We are seeing things like chase giving a large donation to the NYPD on the day of the Brooklyn Bridge arrests. Kind of shows that there is a reaction from the one percent and the typical outlets that help power to keep us in check. I am hoping that we start winning as converts,” said Davison. Until they do, like hundreds of others – Katie is staying put using her skills, talents and passion to put in a hard day’s work at improving America.