Ron Paul still undecided about endorsing Romney

Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas) hasn’t thrown in the towel just yet — but he isn’t ready to take sides, either. When asked if he’d cast a vote this November for Mitt Romney, the presumptive Republican Party nominee, Rep. Paul said he’s still unsure.
During a Thursday evening interview with Fox Business Network, Rep. Paul was pressed to announce if he was ready to make an endorsement for Mitt Romney, who has all but clinched the GOP nominee.“I’ve not made a decision,” replied Paul, who — while still technically in the race — has failed to capture enough state delegates needed to gain eligibility at the upcoming Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida. Rep. Paul was further pressed to share his thoughts on former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, and in a response typical with the Republican congressman, came short from offering an endorsement of any kind."Compared to whom?” asked Rep. Paul. “He certainly offers different things than the current president. But the current conditions make it rough for anyone. They are going to have a very though job."When asked exactly one month earlier if he’d endorse Gov. Romney by CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, Rep. Paul responded, flatly, “No way.”This time around the congressman appeared a bit more open ended in terms of whom he might be casting a ballot for this year, and while he still has not solidified a resignation from the race, Paul told Fox that it’s going to be interesting contest for sure.“No matter who is to be president, they are going to have a very, very tough job because you have to reverse an entire way of thinking. No more deficits and less spending and changing foreign policy, changing our monetary policy. It is going to be a major task for anybody,” the congressman said. In June, Rep. Paul’s son — Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) — formally announced that he’d be endorsing Gov. Romney this November. In the weeks since, his decision has signaled a substantial rift within the libertarian-leaning side of the GOP who has largely lauded both lawmakers.