Porn king offers job to Weiner

17 Jun, 2011 14:54 / Updated 14 years ago
Hustler magazine publisher Larry Flynt (C), flanked by Hustler contract girls Memphis Monroe (L) and Joey (R), signs autographs at the Hustler booth at the Adult Video News Adult Entertainment Expo (Ethan Miller / Getty Images / AFP)

Within hours of announcing his resignation from Congress, Representative Anthony Weiner was already being presented with job offers.

 The sexting scandal star is even up for a 20 percent increase in pay—if he wants to go work for porn publisher Larry Flynt, that is.The Hustler kingpin posted an open invitation to Weiner to come on board the staff of Flynt Management Group, LLC in a letter the porn mogul published to his Huffington Post blog on Thursday afternoon. In his offer, Flynt writes that he is willing to put Weiner on a payroll that will allow the politician to pull in around $200,000 a year, as well as medical benefits and all expenses for a relocation of the Weiner family to the West Coast.“As a Congressman, you are known for your intensity and perseverance,”writes Flynt. “I believe that this attitude, combined with your service in the House of Representatives' Committee on Energy and Commerce, will make you a valuable asset to this corporation.”In addition to having published Hustler since 1974, Flynt has long been known as an advocate of the First Amendment and has many times tried to expose sex scandals of Republican politicians—he did so successfully with House Speaker-elect Robert Livingston in 1998, which led to the resignation of the incoming speaker. In 1983 he leaked a video to the media which showed auto magnate John DeLorean being threatened in a drug deal perpetrated by the FBI, which aided in the car maker being found not guilty due to entrapment. In his letter this week, Flynt writes, “I feel that your unfortunate resignation is a prime example of unfounded political pressure and the hypocrisy that has invaded democracy in Washington DC.”Last year Flynt offered to hire Republican Carl Paladino after a controversy erupted over pornographic images the politician and businessman circulated to friends. As Paladino ran for New York governor, Flynt called him "a natural pornographer” and wrote “it's clear he's better suited to join our team than be the governor of the state of New York."Details on the duties of the position presented to Weiner haven’t been disclosed other than it would be with the Internet wing of Flynt’s impressive media umbrella.Flynt himself has run for political office before. He ran for president in the 1984 election and also in the California special election that led to the swearing in of another star marred by a sex scandal—Arnold Schwarzenegger—as governor; in that run Flynt campaigned as a "smut peddler who cares."