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14 Jul, 2009 05:10

Ron Paul backs new breed of U.S. politicians

In the land of hope and freedom, a new political movement is gathering momentum, demanding a return to America's original mandate, as laid down in the constitution. In other words - less interference from government.

This libertarian group with real change on their minds is stirring up the U.S. political scene, and the Freedom Festival in Las Vegas is the perfect place to find them; along with their fearless leader, Congressman Ron Paul.

“You belong to a unique group that might feel frustrated at times, because you say, “Well, we’re not 51% of the population, but yet the effort and value of a group like we have, that believe in liberty and are willing to work for it, is like an army,” insists Congressman Ron Paul.

Their demand for the government is to back off. They are neither right wing nor left wing politically, but demand both economic and social freedom, an idea that’s inspiring many young people.

“This is the start of something that will be a great movement in 2012, 2016, down the road and I want to be here in the beginning when it’s just getting the ball rolling,” Ethan Czahor, founder of shrugd.com – 'the social news network for freedom-loving people'.

Another Ron Paul supporter confesses that, “A few years ago, I had no views whatsoever; I didn’t care about politics or economics. But I became interested and found my views aligned with this group.”

The president of Students for Liberty, Alexander McCobin, sounds more concrete: “We need to have students and the next generation of leaders stepping up to take charge of their lives and be able to protect their rights.”

An Iraq veteran and a new congressional candidate for New Mexico, Adam Kokesh, could be one of the next generation of leaders.

Kokesh says, “We have a Democratic Party in charge that ran on a platform that they’re not enacting. We have a government that’s out of control and out of bounds with the constitution. That’s what it’s about is bringing us back to the agreed-upon rules for society.”

Call them freedom fighters or a bunch of angry people trying to bring down the system, but one thing is for sure: this movement is gaining momentum. And unless they see a drastic change in the way things are run in America, they’ll be back again next year, for another Freedom Festival in Las Vegas that is giving freedom a chance to breathe.

Read also: Break up of the USA and civil upheavals
