Ron Paul has a book, and it's not about politics

30 Nov, 2011 20:01 / Updated 13 years ago
Ron Paul (AFP Photo / Karen Bleier)

Can’t afford to give out gold for your family this holiday season? The next best thing for your libertarian-leaning loved ones this year comes courtesy of Congressman Ron Paul, and it’s sure to help you put a little Fed-ending lovin’ in the oven.

The website for the GOP presidential hopeful revealed on Tuesday that the Ron Paul Family Cookbook is now available for only $8 plus shipping, and campaign headquarters for the Republican frontrunner insures shoppers that the item is guaranteed to “warm your kitchen and your heart.”In addition to 28 pages of recipes from the entire Paul household, wife Carol includes an entry titled “The American Dream” that serves as a mini-biography of sorts of Ron Paul and family. Not only does a purchase of the book make a great supplement for both Joy of Cooking and Idiot’s Guide to the US Constitution, but purchases go towards Paul’s 2012 presidential campaign. Show your support and learn how to cook a ham at the same time? Maybe a novel idea like that could have kept Pawlenty in the race had he known better.While fellow Republican contenders Michele Bachmann and Herman Cain have books of their own, the Ron Paul Family Cookbook is the only collection of recipes available this holiday season by way of a GOP candidate. Will the others follow suit? Maybe, but perhaps the rest of the gang going for the GOP nod are better suited for other genres. “Rick Perry’s Guide to Cowboys, Oil and — uh, What’s the Other Thing” is guaranteed to be a big seller, as would a Rick Santorum-authorized edition of the Kama Sutra. Until those hit the shelves, however, conservative culinary experts will have to go to Paul for their kitchen hints. RT’s copy hasn’t’ arrived yet, but we’re quite anxious to learn how to roast a Truly-Free Turkey and Stuffing, brew up a serving of End the Fettuccini Alfredo and of course dish out the Unregulated Risotto.Just a heads up for Paul: lay-off the pizza. We’re pretty sure another guy has that one covered.