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29 Feb, 2012 21:01

Ron Paul beats Obama in polls

Ron Paul beats Obama in polls

Texas Congressman Ron Paul would win a presidential race against incumbent Barack Obama, according to a tracking poll released Monday by Rasmussen Reports.

According to polling figures published Monday by Rasmussen, a hypothetical two-person contest between President Obama and Republican Party hopeful Ron Paul would yield a victory for the Texas congressman. The statistics released by the group this week put Paul as the favorite over the current commander in chief by two percentage points, a 43-to-41 percent win, reports the agency.Although Representative Paul has placed close to passing Obama in past polls, this marks the first time in a Rasmussen report that the congressman has statistically proven himself as the winner when pitted right against the president. Recent polling from Rasmussen also suggests that the only other candidate that could be considered the victor in a make-believe match-up with Obama right now would be former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, who also won in a recent poll by a two percentage point margin. Rasmussen has put Obama as the victor in a race against only Romney according to all other reports released since 2012 began.In a statement released responding to the poll, Ron Paul campaign chairman Jesse Benton said the results continue to prove that Americans are fed up with an administration that fails to offer any real solutions to a country in distress. “This is further evidence of the fact that Ron Paul is the only candidate who can defeat Barack Obama,” explained Benton. “In order to win back the White House, Republicans must nominate a consistent candidate that offers something besides the status quo. Ron Paul is that candidate.”Speaking from Springfield, Virginia on Tuesday, the presidential hopeful attacked the current administration himself, reminding supporters that Barack Obama has instituted a series of laws while in office for barely three years that have only swept rights away from his own citizens. The United States needs a president that will restore the Constitution, pleaded Paul, not cater to corporations and the ideals endorsed by the erroneous mainstream establishment.“It is our message that appeals to the independents, the Democrats and the Republican base,” Congressman Paul told supporters across the Potomac from Washington Tuesday night. That goal, he added, is insuring that Americans are ensured their born rights of liberties that he says are being taken away by the current president. In a 20-minute speech at a youth rally in Springfield, Congressman Paul attacked Obama for continuing to abide by the Patriot Act, authorizing himself to assassinate American citizens, limiting personal freedoms on the Internet and approving the National Defense Authorization Act.“This atrocious piece of legislation says that the military can arrest an American citizen without charges,” harped Paul of the Defense Act. Coincidently, President Obama offered a policy directive dealing with the NDAA only hours before Paul addressed the crowd, and while he proposed waivers to deal with the military detainment of citizens, the president did nothing to strike the provisions that approve the indefinite detention of Americans. From Springfield, Paul put down Obama over the NDAA, cautioning supporters that it allowed detention without trial and indefinitely. Paul also spent a moment during Tuesday’s speech to address the results of the Rasmussen survey, joking that “Every once in a while they include my name in the polling.” “This poll also shows that fake conservatives Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich would be defeated in a general election because voters are fed up with politicians who sell out their principles for party loyalty,” Paul wrote to supporters after the results of Rasmussen’s survey were published this week. “The Republican Party can’t nominate a candidate who will spend the entire fall campaign apologizing for their Big Government record if we want to defeat Barack Obama.”The Rasmussen Reports poll comes from answers collected by interviewing 1,500 likely general election voters and has a 3 percentage point margin of error.
