While President Obama is summing up his first year in office and unveiling his plans for the year to come, an animal rights group has held its own version of the State of the Union address – or undress, to be accurate.
PETA's spokeswoman laid out the groups' goals and accomplishments while slowly undressing, as the activist urged Americans to take matters into their own hands and turn to a kinder way of living.
Ashley Byrne of PETA explained to RT how showing someone strip down could help animals:
“We think that women and men have the right to use their bodies as they see fit and if they want to make a political statement on behalf of animals they have every right to do so. Our sexy campaigns, like the state of the union undress, are a great way to bring people to our website with something more light-hearted and funny. But then we hope that they will stay – which many of them do – to watch our undercover investigations that expose cruelty to animals.”