Jet skater: Daredevil sets longboard land speed record, then crashes (VIDEO)

Riding a plank of wood fitted with four motors, an extreme sports enthusiast has rocketed into the ‘Guinness World Record’ books by setting the fastest speed on an electric skateboard.
Daredevil Mischo Erban hit a top speed of 95.83kph at Portoroz airport in Slovenia, on a runway airport usually reserved for planes landing at more than 250kph.
While the Czech-born skater might not be able to compete with a Boeing 747 just yet, a video of Erban’s terrifying feat shows him doing a great impression of a cruise missile.
Dressed in a black jumpsuit and helmet designed to minimize wind resistance, Erban takes to the souped-up board and shoots across the landing strip.
However, with such high velocity machines there is an element of risk and not everything went to plan. As the rider passed the 100-meter mark, he lost his balance, crashing face first to the floor before skidding along the concrete.
Luckily no permanent damage was done and Erban was able to dust himself off after the fall to bask in his speedy triumph. “I am attracted by speed and have learned to master the danger,” he said.
The skater added that by using electric board technology a new form of racing could be born: “Events could be organised on large flat grounds anywhere in the world - take for example a parking lot or a shopping mall.”
To complete the streak into the record books, Erban used a NextBoard designed over the course of two years by Slovenian start-up firm, Next Generation Vehicles. The company hopes the modified boards might someday be used in downhill skateboard racing, slalom, and freestyle.