‘Sweaty’ billboard kills Zika-carrying mosquitoes (VIDEO)

A new billboard in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil is mimicking human sweat in order to lure and kill dangerous Zika-transmitting mosquitoes.
The revolutionary billboard attracts mosquitoes with fluorescent lights, emits carbon dioxide to resemble human breathing and a lactic acid-laced mist which mimics human sweat.
The combination of breath and sweat can lure mosquitoes from up to 4km (2,5 miles) away.
Once the blood-thirsty insects crawl into the sign, they become trapped and eventually die.
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Designed by two Brazilian advertizing agencies, Posterscope and NBS, the companies have made the ‘technical blueprint’ available for anyone who wants to build their own mosquito-killing sign.
The agencies claim the sign can be built for under US$200. They are encouraging people to build similar billboards in other areas of Brazil, as the majority of babies affected by Zika are located outside Rio.
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The South American country is being ravaged by the Zika virus which can cause babies to be born with a skull deformity called microcephaly. This condition inhibits healthy brain development.
While scientists continue to work on a vaccine, the World Health Organization recommends battling the insects by spraying insecticide over areas with a high population of the Zika-transmitting mosquitoes.