Chew your way to better sex, a trimmer figure & golden skin with ‘performance enhancing’ gum

A pair of Spanish Willy Wonka-type innovators say they have created chewing gum that can help soothe hangover headaches and turbocharge a person’s performance between the sheets.
Spanish based WUG Functional Gum is marketing a range of gums that can apparently help ease the after effects of a night on the booze, control unhealthy snacking desires, and make sex with your partner “more pleasant.”
Entrepreneurs José Luis Rojano and Jordi Claramonte are behind the project and say WUG Functional Gum is the “first company that has developed a range of functional chewing gum worldwide.”
The gum products include WUG Bronze, a tanning booster containing Beta-Carotene, Lycopene, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Vitamin D3, which, like all the company’s gums, is sweetened with Stevia, a plant sugar substitute.
WUG After Party should apparently be chewed before and after a booze session, while WUG Diet can help people achieve a “flat stomach,” presumably by tricking your body into thinking you aren’t hungry.
“It is ideal to help satiate the appetite and control the desire to snack between meals, easy and healthy supplement… consumed two hours before the main meals to achieve the desired effect,” the gum makers explain on their website.
The bright spark gums have their origins in the US military, say its creators, who learned that soldiers were given caffeine chewing sticks to boost energy levels on missions. The whole project is based on findings that the human body can absorb vitamins and stimulants quicker through mastication, or chewing, rather than through the digestive system.
“The effects are noticed after 5’ [minutes] compared to the 40’ [minutes] required for any other standard product to work, such as drinks, gels, shots, tablets or bars, which require a digestive process to fully absorb the product,” the WUGum website states.
A 2002 University of Maryland study examining the differing rates of absorption of caffeine capsules and gum found that absorption was “significantly faster” via chewing than digestion. The researchers concluded that “physical and mental performance deficits resulting from sleep loss of fatigue could be more quickly reversed” with caffeine chewing gum.
One of the WUGum products called Vigor is packed with ingredients such as ginseng, caffeine, damiana, and extracts from the tribulus plant, which is used by bodybuilders to boost testosterone levels. The firm recommends that chewers take it five minutes before intercourse and claim it is “ideal for improving your sex,” making it “more pleasant and lasting.”
But of course, the gums are no magic elixir for adult problems. They are firmly centered on the belief that vitamin intake is good, or at the very least not harmful. And while the gums use only natural products, the jury is out on whether vitamin supplements have any real value.
In 2013, researchers at Baltimore’s Johns Hopkins University of Medicine made headlines when they suggested there was “no proof” that taking vitamin supplements provided any benefits, and that certain vitamin additives might actually be doing people more harm than good.
Their reasons were outlined in an editorial entitled “Enough Is Enough: Stop Wasting Money on Vitamin and Mineral Supplements” that appeared in the Annals of Internal Medicine.
With the exception of folic acid for women, one researcher from the John Hopkins Welch Center suggested that vitamin supplements were not the answer. “If you follow a healthy diet, you can get all of the vitamins and minerals you need from food,” Larry Appel, MD of the Welch Center said.
The scientists formed their opinions after analyzing three research projects, including a review of 24 clinical trials which concluded that taking multivitamins did not reduce heart disease or cancer, The Independent reports.
Another study assessed by the Baltimore based experts was a 12-year trial that found multivitamins did not help reduce mental decline. The UK National Health Service later criticized the report, however, saying the study was not detailed enough.
“[I]t is important to note that these are just opinions of a small group of researchers, they did not perform a study on whether or not multivitamins were harmful,” a NHS blog post read. That said, the NHS recommends that the best way to get vitamins is to “eat a varied and balanced diet.”