'Get undressed & work': Belorussian President Lukashenko advised. Look what happened (PHOTOS)

25 Jun, 2016 10:43 / Updated 9 years ago

Here’s the latest Instagram trend in Belarus: people get undressed in their workplaces and post the pictures. Why, you might ask?

President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at the latest ‘all-Belarusian peoples gathering’ in June: “You know what to do, how to do it, and what goals to achieve. Everything is simple. Innovations, IT technology, privatizations, etc. – it’s all clear, we’ve done it.

“But all our life is in simple things: we should get [undressed] and work”.

In all probability, the president meant “Develop and work," as the words sound very similar, ‘razviVAtsa’ and ‘razDEvatsa’, but who cares now?

This somewhat confusing comment led to the Belorussian equivalent of the hashtag #getnakedandgotowork trending in the country, and people did just that.

Most comments went along the lines: "The leader says, we should." We must say the Belorussian people do look good!