Hook, line & member: Fisherman accidentally hooks naked swimmer’s penis

27 Aug, 2016 00:21

A fisherman in Germany caught more than he bargained for after hooking his line into the penis of a man skinny dipping in a lake. The ill-fated nudist then got blamed for not following the signs.

The man, who hasn’t revealed his identity for obvious reasons, is reportedly a frequent visitor to Augsburg’s Kaisersee lake, which amusingly is located near the village of Dickelsmoor and is a popular spot for nudist swimmers. Until now, that is.

It’s understood that while out swimming in the lake in his birthday suit, the man felt a tugging sensation in his thighs before then realising a fisherman’s hook had pierced his penis, reported The Local.

Noticing a fisherman on the shore, he began shouting at the man before then attempting to swim back to land.

“I cried out to the fisherman ashore shouting 'do not pull, do not pull...' I was terrified he was going to try to reel me in,” the man told Augsburger Allgemeine (AA) newspaper, according to the the Independent.

When back to shore, the fisherman reportedly cut the line free from the hook but little sympathy was had for the newly pierced swimmer.

“He told me it’s not an official swimming lake and that it’s his right to fish here and there are signs up to prove it,” the man told the AA.

Luckily, there was no serious injury suffered with a short trip to a local hospital resulting in the successful removal of the hook and the wounds were easily treated.