Israeli jet painted pink for breast cancer awareness, slated for denying Gaza medical treatment

After the Israeli Air Force tweeted a photo of its pink fighter jet to raise awareness about breast cancer, some social media users were quick to brand the stunt “hypocrisy at its best.”
We are
— Israeli Air Force (@IAFsite) October 27, 2016
Referred to as “pinkwashing” by many who criticize Israel’s actions against Palestinians, some Twitter users didn’t hold back, stating that Israel could “bomb Palestinian women with planes you paint pink for breast cancer awareness.”
The definition of pinkwashing—bomb Palestinian women with planes you paint pink for breast cancer awareness@IAFsite
— Ben Norton (@BenjaminNorton) October 27, 2016
Hey, @IAFsite, how about letting cancer drugs into Gaza and allow cancer patients into the West Bank for treatment?
— Diana Alghoul (@SuperKnafeh) October 27, 2016
YES... Pink jet's by dropping bombs can help eradicate breast cancer as well as its victims.. only #israel could've though of it.
— Che ☭ 🌐 (@Farrukh_Abbas12) October 28, 2016
The US Navy tweeted a similar image earlier in October.
US Navy to fight breast cancer with a bright pink fighter jet
— BI Defense (@BI_Defense) October 18, 2016
According to Israeli human rights group B’Tselem, Tel Aviv’s decades long blockade of Gaza has had a crippling impact on the densely populated strip’s health infrastructure.
The group claims a lack of medical equipment, fuel supplies and permit requirements to receive treatment inside Israel has led to many cancer patients dying in Gaza over the years.
"Israel"paints fighter jet pink for cancer awareness while preventing cancer patients in #Gaza from getting treatment
— Mohammed Abdul Hay (@iM0hay) October 29, 2016
Hypocrisy at its best
In Gaza fighter jets (pink or not) from Israel mean death & destruction. There are a only 3 mammography machines – for a population of 2 mil
— سامرSamer. (@WaladShami) October 28, 2016
A 2016 study by the Al-Quds University in Palestine described cancer among the Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza as an increasing "public health concern," with breast cancer "the most common cancer among women and lung cancer among men."
#Gaza breast cancer patients complain about Israeli restrictions on treatment (MEMO)
— MedicAidPalestinians (@MedicalAidPal) October 18, 2016
A campaign was launched in #Gaza to raise awareness about breast #cancer..
— Days of Palestine (@DaysofPalestine) October 19, 2016