‘Rare medical emergency’: Man accidentally ‘strangles’ his penis with wedding ring

14 Nov, 2016 19:12

In an accident that will make you want to cross your legs, a 28-year-old man was recently hospitalized after putting a wedding ring on his genitalia for erotic pleasure, resulting in a rare penile strangulation.

The man, who was described as being in “severe pain,” was accompanied by his mother to a hospital in Limpopo, South Africa, according to a report by the SA Medical Journal.

“His penis was severely swollen and blue, and constricted with a ring [wedding ring] at the middle section,” the report stated. “The patient reported that he had applied the ring four hours previously for erotic reasons, on the recommendation of friends.”

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The date of the accident was not stated but the report added that medical staff attempted to remove the ring by the string method, but due to severe swelling, then used the aspiration method, where punctures were made to the penis in order to release the built up blood.

"Multiple puncture aspirations were applied with a 20ml syringe and a pink needle. The oedema subsided and the ring was successfully removed," the report added.

Luckily, the man made a speedy recovery after being treated with antibiotics and was discharged three days later.

The SA Medical Journal described “penile strangulation” as “a rarely described medical emergency” and the procedure as “challenging” due to there being a lack of appropriate guidelines.

“No proper guidelines exist for the treatment of this condition, so the ‘best method’ is the one with a successful outcome,” the journal adds.

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