French nightclub criticized for displaying bear in chains

A nightclub in western France caused an uproar after those running it had a grizzly bear brought to the venue in chains as part of a circus night.
Photos emerged of the distressed-looking animal locked in chains at the Scala nightclub in Guipry-Messac over the weekend, but instead of receiving a positive response, people were shocked.
Quelle honte ! Soirée #cirque à la discothèque la Scala @Scalaguipry avec l'#ours des #Poliakov et un ara.
— AVES France (@aves_france) November 20, 2016
One user on Facebook called the event “shameful.”
“Look at his eyes the distress and incomprehension,” Neal Collin wrote. “This makes me so sick! Just like billions of animals which we kill and use until total exhaustion, until the death for our personal pleasure. It is shameful.”
Hundreds of other users commented on the club’s original promotion post, also condemning the venue, with some even calling for a boycott.
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“Shameful! We need to boycott this place. Animals are not our toys,” Facebook user Aicila Lebaul wrote.
The Scala club released a video statement amid the uproar.