Town gets a ‘pounding’ from penis-shaped storm (IMAGE)

A penis-shaped storm was spotted by satellite en route to a town Down Under, much to the delight of dirty-minded Aussies.
The storm was caught on its approach to Toowoomba, a town in the Queensland region of Australia, on Monday by Nicko Mickle. “Crazy arse storm on its way to [Queensland].... looks likes old Toowoomba is about to cop a floggin too,” wrote Mickle, setting the tone for a series of punning comments to follow.
READ MORE: Penis ring removals a growing problem for London fire service
“Toowoombas about to cop a poundin,” wrote Facebook commenter Matthew Cherry.
"Looks like strong penetration rapidly moving in likely to produce extreme wet and windy conditions throughout the inner regions," added Jamie Spear.
It didn’t take long for the war of puns to spill over to Twitter.
hurricane richard giving toowoomba a floggin
— Jess Wheeler (@wheelswordsmith) February 15, 2017
Looks like Toowoomba is copping some "stiff" winds!
— Russell Ingall (@RussellIngall) February 15, 2017
Friend in #Toowoomba tells me she’s seen no storm yet but maybe it’s still coming.
— Tara Horner (@TheOtherTara) February 15, 2017
Cheeky weather pattern spotted in Queensland, Toowoomba is about to get f**ked via @newscomauHQ
— Blake Currall (@bcurrall80) February 15, 2017
For what it’s worth, Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology now forecasts a mostly clear day for Toowoomba.