#MediaLiesAgain: AP National Guard report reignites fake news debate

Just a day after Trump lambasted the mainstream media’s “fake news,” AP has been criticized for its “irresponsible” reports that the White House is considering mobilizing up to 100,000 National Guard troops to round up illegal immigrants.
READ MORE: White House denies AP report of plan for 100,000 troops to round up immigrants
White House press secretary Sean Spicer described the report as “not true” and "100% false" and "irresponsible,” but it wasn’t only Trump’s staff that have been left angered by the report with many on social media echoing Spicer.
This is not true. DHS also confirms it is 100% false https://t.co/MFIJci7XaU
— Sean Spicer (@PressSec) February 17, 2017
Unsourced, unconfirmed, untrue.
— Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) February 17, 2017
This is what fake news looks like pic.twitter.com/4UlTnQyHiz
#MediaLiesAgain hashtag is trending while AP puts out #FakeNews regarding National Guard. pic.twitter.com/HdTR23W0xZ
— Kieran 🇺🇸🇮🇱 (@altWESTERN) February 17, 2017
@PrisonPlanet Why doesn't fckin @AP verify with the @WhiteHouse first? #medialiesagain#FAKENEWSpic.twitter.com/qngeIU86h7
— FPSONNY (@fpsonny) February 17, 2017
During a press conference on Thursday, Trump once again took aim at the MSM and “false, horrible and fake” news reporting. While AP wasn’t singled out then, it has now found itself at the center of such accusations.
@AP you don't know what the fuck your talking about. #fakenews#bullshit#alternativefacts@AP is a cluster fuck #liberalbiaspic.twitter.com/hySPphlQG8
— Special Ops (@Special_opps) February 17, 2017
@JackPosobiec Makes the President's point from yesterday -- nobody bothered to make a simple phone call to confirm the story before release.
— Platy (@platypusfoot) February 17, 2017
This AP National Guard story is the latest example of 100% fake news from the Media. Do you ever get tired of lying?#MediaLiesAgainpic.twitter.com/kfjGwbfhyf
— Tennessee (@TEN_GOP) February 17, 2017
— CHURCH HILL ✌ (@Ajono80) February 17, 2017
Although a copy of the draft memo was shared online, social media users have been using both #fakenews and #MediaLiesAgain to deny the reports.
#MediaLiesAgain casually making up a fake news story about the National Guard rounding people up. The MSM has no shame.
— #BernieOrBust (@TetraExosuit) February 17, 2017
Amazing the @AP would even consider trashing the National Guard and cause mass hysteria around the nation just to "get at" Trump. Sad! 👎🏼 pic.twitter.com/SGMCGIXc4p
— Democrats for Trump (@YoungDems4Trump) February 17, 2017
#MediaLiesAgain. The @AP bit into a poison apple, a poison PLANTED Apple!
— Pamela Roth (@rothfarms) February 17, 2017
@AP@documentcloud#MediaLiesAgain here we go again Fake News.
— Jeffery Williams Jr (@Jeffwilliams02) February 17, 2017
Speculation was rife that the leaking of the memo was, in fact, intentional, and was aimed at rooting out potential insiders in the administration. Questions were also asked as to why the White House didn’t deny the reports when asked by AP.
That National Guard story feels like a pure intimidation move. Whether or not it’s true doesn’t matter. Word is out. Mission accomplished.
— Jamil Smith (@JamilSmith) February 17, 2017
Seeing a lot of speculation that the AP national guard story could be a deliberate fabrication to smoke out a Trump administration leaker.
— Paul Lewis (@PaulLewis) February 17, 2017
They are baiting to catch the leakers the national guard memo is a planted document.
— 0Hour1 (@0Hours1) February 17, 2017
They are getting ready to prosecute leakers.
GENIUS ! https://t.co/LxUModZmc9
So if it wasn't true, then why didn't the WH take the opportunity to say that when asked for comment? https://t.co/N2vcyjFtdi
— Jon Favreau (@jonfavs) February 17, 2017
While Trump’s opponents once again made comparisons to the Nazi regime, others pointed to the involvement of the National Guard in 1970 at Kent State and the resulting tragedy as to why they should not be involved on this occasion.
What could possibly go wrong? #nationalguardpic.twitter.com/1NRfrxiIAh
— Robert Pluma (@RobotPluma) February 17, 2017
Maybe people need to be reminded about what happened at Kent State Monday, May 4, 1970 when the Ohio #National Guard was sent to enforce.
— Mary Hr (@MaryHr) February 17, 2017
Perhaps @potus should remember #KentState prior to mobilizing the national guard in the US https://t.co/tyUrTEqJZr
— Sumer Sloan (@SumerSloan) February 17, 2017
Trump is considering sending 100,000 National Guard troops to round up undocumented immigrants. Don't tell us not to compare him to Hitler.
— Kaivan Shroff (@KaivanShroff) February 17, 2017
I'm literally checking the definition of ethnic cleansing in response to AP reports of Trump's national guard plan.
— Samuel Sinyangwe (@samswey) February 17, 2017
While Trump’s supporters and detractors argued about the veracity of the report, for some, it seems they would actually welcome the involvement of the National Guard.
Too bad it's #FakeNews. Sending in 100,000 National Guard troops to round up illegals sounds like a great idea! #MediaLiesAgainpic.twitter.com/b1uE1hFs7D
— Steve Hirsch (@Stevenwhirsch99) February 17, 2017
Good idea tho...thanks @AP we shud use @NationalGuard to round up illegals.....they're "illegally" in the country https://t.co/ezOEKlXPz3
— God & guns (@Godndguns) February 17, 2017
— Ulf Blomberg (@ulf_blombergswe) February 17, 2017
National Guard yes please good idea to get rid of criminal illegals. US will be a better country for it