Assange denies Russian funding, blasts MSM coverage of #Vault7

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange reiterated he has never been paid by either the Russian government or RT in response to a question from ABC News during a press conference on this week’s ‘Vault 7’ disclosures on CIA hacking.
WikiLeaks will give tech companies exclusive access to CIA hacking tools - Assange (VIDEO)
The head of the whistleblowing organization described ‘Vault 7’ as an “epic scoop” – the largest publication of confidential documents on the CIA, and criticized MSM questions for trying to divert from that.
ABC News correspondent Brian Ross asked Assange via Twitter if he had ever been paid by the Russian government or RT to which the WikiLeaks editor-in-chief replied: “No, but quite interesting to see ABC taking that line.”
Assange went on to call it a “pretty sad question” which tried to divert from the publication of the documents.
Mr. Assange, have you ever been paid by the Russian gov't or state-funded tv outlet RT? @wikileaks#AskWL
— Brian Ross (@BrianRoss) March 9, 2017
The question was also criticized by some commenters online who described it as an ineffective attack on WikiLeaks’ credibility.
Wikileaks press conference update: ABC news asked the question if Wikileaks was paid by Russia. #MSM wants to tie everything to Russia.
— Joel Seligman (@Maverik_Citizen) March 9, 2017
.@BrianRoss Mainstream media at it's finest. Thank goodness for Wikileaks. All you guys do is lie to us. #Vault7
— Michelle (@groggygirl85) March 9, 2017
Assange also noted that CNN’s initial question on the leaks was one that “defended the interests of the CIA”.
CNN asked: “As long as these are overseas targets isn't it legal for CIA to do this?”
Assange replied it was “problematic” that this was the first question asked by CNN, adding that the CIA has a “habit of behaving badly within the US as well.”
Julian Assange states how strange that @CNN first question looked to defend CIA 🤔
— Michael Delauzon (@MichaelDelauzon) March 9, 2017
In Julian Assange's press conference the dumbest questions came from the US MSM. How embarrassing.
— Nancy Lynn Nagy (@NancyLynnNagy1) March 9, 2017