Sharknado? Man-eater washes up in Cyclone Debbie (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

A storm can leave in its wake a trail of destruction and devastation, but as Cyclone Debbie made its way through Queensland, Australia, residents of Burdekin Shire weren't expecting to find a man-eating shark beached on the road.
The meter-and-a-half bull shark was discovered on a muddy road near Ayr in Burdekin on Thursday. Bull sharks are one of the most dangerous sharks in the world – alongside great whites and tiger sharks, they’re the most likely to attack humans.
The only victim of Burdekin flooding...a bull shark.
— Philip Calder (@philipjcalder) March 30, 2017
“He must’ve gotten caught in a torrent and confused, beached himself on the side of the road,” journalist Philip Calder told “We were pretty amazed, we were turning up to shoot a flooding road, we weren’t expecting to see wildlife as well.”
Although the shark was towed back to the Burdekin River by emergency services, it was too late, as it had already died.
Think it's safe to go back in the water? Think again! A bull shark washed up in Ayr. Stay out of floodwater.
— Qld Fire & Emergency (@QldFES) March 30, 2017
“You never know what lurks beneath the surface during a severe storm and what will wash up in the aftermath,” Queensland Fire and Emergency Services said.
The shark’s unexpected appearance was the “talk of the town,” as locals came to take pictures and even touch the dead shark.
#Sharknado. Locals at #Ayr sadly discover another of the untold thousands of marine and land animals that were victims of
— Marcus Middleton (@MMiddleton_10) March 30, 2017
Bull sharks are common in the Burdekin region. The sharks are even known to eat other sharks and dolphins, and tend to head-butt their prey before attacking.
@philipjcalder@WINNews_TVL Is this a Sharknado thing?
— David Thompson (@Davidgt84) March 30, 2017