An eight-year-old girl has been found living with monkeys in a jungle in India’s Uttar Pradesh. It is unknown how the girl, who is unable to speak and walks on all fours, came to be living in the wild.
The girl was found in Bahraich by sub-inspector Suresh Yadav who was patrolling the Motipur range of Katarniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary near the Nepalese border two months ago.
The sub-inspector spotted the girl with a group of monkeys and tried to rescue her with the help of other officers. The girl and the monkeys screeched at them, but officers were eventually able to remove the girl.
“She was terrified of us, she could not speak or hear us properly,” Inspector Ram Avtar Singh said. “She was surrounded by three monkeys. She had wounds on her body specifically on her elbow and one on her leg.”
The girl is unable to speak or understand language. She is afraid of humans and has been violent at times.
Doctors at the Bahraich District Hospital say that she has improved since treatment began, and can walk with her legs but continues to revert to walking using her arms and legs.
It isn’t clear how long the girl was living in the wild, or how she ended up there.
“The girl was found two months back, eats and walks like animals do, and runs away on seeing humans,” the hospital’s chief medical officer DK Singh said. “She has marks on her skin, it looks like she has lived with animals for quite some time. Now she is better and healthy, showing improvement.”