Sean Spicer’s 100-day rollercoaster: From ‘Russian dressing’ to ‘Holocaust denial’

Sean Spicer has certainly set himself apart from previous White House press secretaries, transforming media briefings into soap operas and often stealing the limelight from the president himself when it comes to controversial blunders.
The White House spokesman, with arguably one of the toughest jobs in the world, has had to deal with numerous administration scandals and weathered many a Twitter storm during Trump’s first 100 days in office.
READ MORE: #Trump100: How well do you know The Donald’s reign so far? (QUIZ)
Despite his innate ability to say the wrong thing at the wrong time, Trump is reportedly more than happy with the guy who “gets great ratings.”
We take a look back at the highlights, or lowlights, of a White House Press Secretary who has inspired so many headlines, memes and hashtags in such a short space of time (#SpicerFacts anyone?).
Inauguration crowd figures
Sean Spicer began his new role with a baptism of fire accusing the media of “deliberately false reporting” and skewing the figures of Trump’s inauguration during his first official White House briefing.

“This was the largest audience ever to witness an inauguration, period, both in person and around the globe,” he indignantly told reporters.
RT @markzohar: Guess the number of jelly beans.
— Rabbi David Mivasair (@Mivasair) January 22, 2017
Me: 87
Wife: 134
Sean Spicer: 1.5 million
His already-dwindling credibility wasn’t helped when counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway came to his defense, claiming Spicer’s statements were simply “alternative facts.”
Spicer and ‘the fake news’ media
Spicer’s frosty relationship with the press continued, accumulating in several MSM outlets being blocked from a press pool gaggle in February.
-@nytimes exec. editor: “Nothing like this has ever happened…in our long history of covering multiple administrations of different parties."
— Steve Herman (@W7VOA) February 24, 2017
The White House confirmed just a month into Trump’s term that there wouldn’t be any representatives attending this year’s White House Correspondents’ Association dinner. Spicer later defended the decision saying “I don’t think we should fake it.”
Terror attack in Atlanta?
While Kellyanne Conway was inventing the ‘Bowling Green Massacre’, Spicer was using a non-existent terrorist attack in Atlanta to defend Trump’s ‘Muslim ban.’
He mentioned it several times in discussions on terrorism in the US before finally admitting he had misspoken and meant to say Orlando.
Twitter gaffes
Spicer may be the most ‘viral’ press secretary to grace the White House but that doesn’t mean he’s any more adept at wading through the murky waters of social media.
Just days into the job Spicer seemingly tweeted out his passcode to the world, not once but twice, resulting in epic trolling online.
@PressSec accidently post #trump's #nuclearcodes#BREAKING#news: #moron causes
— Paul Manning (@mobinfiltrator) January 26, 2017
He followed up that Twitter fail by mistakenly announcing President Trump as the new secretary of housing and urban development.
For someone whose job is communications...
— James Tennent (@duckytennent) March 2, 2017
Spicer memes
Of course Spicer’s offline antics were often enough to spark a full blown Twitter storm, complete with memes, GIFs and hashtags.
When he responded to journalist April Ryan’s questioning on Trump’s connections to Russia by saying, “If the president puts Russian dressing on his salad tonight, somehow that’s a Russian connection,” an instant array of Twitter jokes were unleashed.
#MySources tell me Sean Spicer attacked a reporter with Russian dressing at a press briefing.
— Ivan Trumpovic (@ManMountain78) April 10, 2017
The internet again came to Spicer’s ‘rescue’ when he inadvertently gave out a distress signal during a press briefing.
The Twitteratti quickly spotted that Spicer was wearing an upside down American flag, inferring it was a cry for help.
This is a distress signal. Is Sean Spicer being held captive?
— Emma (@politics_n_prep) March 10, 2017
Spicer’s ‘Holocaust denial’
Earlier this month, Spicer managed to raise the ‘blunder’ bar to another level, blowing his previous mishaps right out of the water.
Speaking about the use of chemical weapons in Syria, Spicer declared Adolf Hitler “didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons.”
Sean Spicer put more than a foot in his mouth when he said "Not even Hitler gassed his own people." With around six million exceptions!
— Laurence Tribe (@tribelaw) April 11, 2017
The remark was widely condemned, with the Anne Frank Center leading calls for Spicer to be fired immediately.
READ MORE: Sean Spicer forgets Holocaust, claims Hitler did not use chemical weapons in WWII (VIDEO)
— Olivier Knox (@OKnox) March 28, 2016
As Spicer’s first 100 days with the Trump Administration comes to a close, the man who once donned an Easter Bunny costume has become fodder for Saturday Night Live’s Melissa McCarthy and been immortalized by ‘The Simpsons’.
In an unforgiving, and quite dark, short to mark Trump’s 100 days in office, the iconic cartoon series shows Sean Spicer hanging in the White House Briefing Room with a sign saying “I quit” around his neck.
READ MORE: White House Press Secretary ‘Spicy’ lampooned for second time in SNL skit (VIDEO)
Donald Trump reviews his first 100 days in office. Watch an all-new episode of #TheSimpsons this Sunday at 8/7c on FOX.
— The Simpsons (@TheSimpsons) April 26, 2017