‘I was being sarcastic’: Duterte hits back at Chelsea Clinton over ‘rape joke’ criticism

31 May, 2017 22:36 / Updated 8 years ago

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has lashed out at Chelsea Clinton, daughter of former US President Bill Clinton, for her criticism of comments the Filipino leader made about rape.

In an expletive-filled attack, Duterte asked if Clinton was critical of her father’s infidelities, adding: “Be careful because you live in a glass house.”

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The row was sparked following a speech Duterte gave to soldiers on May 26, during which he reassured troops that they had his full backing in their fight against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) linked militants on the southern island of Mindanao.

“I will go to jail for you. If you happen to have raped three women, I will own up to it,” Duterte said.

Chelsea Clinton responded to a tweet about his rape comments saying: "Not funny. Ever.”

She later added: “Duterte is a murderous thug with no regard for human rights. It's important to keep pointing that out & that rape is never a joke.”

The Philippine leader hit back Wednesday at the end of a speech to soldiers in the city of Davao in Mindanao, asking if Clinton was as critical after her father’s affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.

"Chelsea, she slammed me. I was not joking, I was being sarcastic. Listen to the speech. I do not laugh at my own jokes,” Duterte said, according to Reuters.

"I will tell her, when your father, the president of the United States, was screwing Lewinsky and the girls in the White House, how did you feel? Did you slam your father?”

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The affair led to Clinton being impeached in 1998 before later being acquitted. He went on to complete his second term as president in 2001.

Duterte, who often makes headlines with his outrageous tirades, also accused American soldiers of raping women in the Philippines and Japan.