Porn star PSA: Teach your kids about sex or we will (VIDEO)

3 Jun, 2017 21:17 / Updated 8 years ago

Porn star and sex education advocate Monique Alexander has thrown down the gauntlet to prudish parents who refuse to teach their kids about the birds and the bees.

In a Public Service Announcement entitled, "The Talk," Alexander sets the record straight on how kids are learning about sex in the digital age, replete with smart phones, tablets, social media and “sex sells” marketing plastered over every available public space. 

"Nearly 90 percent of children have seen hardcore porn by age 11," Alexander states bluntly, citing a Novus Project report.

While this statistic clashes with research by the University of New Hampshire, which states that exposure to hardcore pornography before the age of 13 is rare, the message still stands: children need Sex Ed earlier than ever before.

WARNING: The following video contains sexually explicit material, viewer discretion is advised

Alexander warns of the consequences of pornography as education: without proper adult guidance and explanation, children and teenagers may confuse fantasy as depicted by adult film stars with reality, thus developing unhealthy attitudes to sex.

Alexander then draws the straightforward comparison with action movies and video games.

Speaking on behalf of the adult entertainment industry, Alexander says, "We don't want to be your child's role model."

She concludes with a call to action: teach your kids about safe and healthy sex or porn stars will be your children's "only lesson."

A 2016 study conducted by the National Campaign found that parents are still the biggest influence on children aged 12-15, with 52 percent of respondents citing mom and dad as their main source of sex education.

Alexander previously participated in a televised debate alongside fellow porn star Ron Jeremy at Yale University, advocating for the benefits of pornography.