Seeking racists: Job site accidentally advertises on podcast for white nationalists

9 Jun, 2017 20:31 / Updated 8 years ago

A job recruitment site attracted the wrong kind of applicants when its advertisement was accidentally played to members of the alt-right in a white supremacist podcast.

An ad for ZipRecruiter ended up being broadcast on The Daily Shoah podcast, an alt-right show by The Right Stuff (TRS) website.

The Daily Shoah, named after the Hebrew word for Holocaust, promotes a white nationalist agenda. On Wednesday, its presenter segued from defending business owners’ right to exclude customers by enforcing ‘racist’ dress codes to telling its listeners about the benefits of ZipRecruiter.

“These business owners having these problems, I mean, maybe if they had a good service available to them like, uh, ZipRecruiter, they, they wouldn’t, uh, run into these issues,” presenter Jesse Dunsta said. “They’d be able to find the help they need without any of these weird, these weird autistic arguments and things, so, you know.”

The presenter went on to read out the ZipRecruiter advertisement.

So how did a recruitment company end up on a white supremacist podcast? According to Ad Results Media, it accidentally booked the ad spot for ZipRecruiter on TRS, mistaking it for a sports podcast of the same name.

“Unfortunately, we ended up contacting and booking this particular podcast that had the same name (TRS) as the sporting podcast we intended to book,” Ad Results Media told Gizmodo.

“This is an isolated incident where we bought ad time on the wrong podcast out of two that had the same name. To be clear – our client did not request or approve this podcast and it has been canceled effective immediately."

"In no way did we intend to book this particular podcast and in no way do we condone or support their content as an organization or on behalf of any of our clients."

The Right Stuff is filled with all the resources a white nationalist needs, from a convenient explainer of common alt-right terms, to informative articles telling readers not to offer condolences to victims of the Manchester terrorist attack.

The accidental ad appears to have worked on some of the podcast’s supporters. “As a small buisness [sic] owner and an alt right guy I actually used ZipRecruiter because of the ads. #hailziprecruiter,” one said.

“@ZipRecruiter earned my business. Official recruiter of the alt right,” another said.