Topless protesters demand end to Pamplona bull-running festival (VIDEO)

A group of protestors stripped down in the city’s main square, placing horns on their heads and covering themselves in red dye in a graphic show of opposition to Pamplona’s controversial bull-running festival.
Both People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and AnimaNaturalis took part in Wednesday’s protests, reported Reuters. Activists displayed paint on their bodies calling for a festival ‘without blood.’
The roughly 100 protesters also held placards which read, ‘bulls die a bloody death in Pamplona.’
The annual festival attracts animal rights activists aiming to bring an end to the festivity known as San Fermin, in which revelers try to outrun the bulls released on the city’s streets.
16 people have been killed in the runs since they began in 1911, with the last person dying in 2009.