As relations between the US and North Korea continue to deteriorate, tensions are also running high on Twitter, as a New York nonprofit named after Anne Frank compared US President Donald Trump to Hitler.
With North Korea threatening to strike the US territory of Guam and America reportedly devising plans to bomb their missile sites, people are arguing bitterly over the correct course of action.
READ MORE: N. Koreans denounce Trump's 'fire & fury' threat in massive rally (VIDEO)
While some Americans have expressed dismay at their president’s hawkish pronouncements, others have insisted that the US needs to take a strong line with the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.
One Twitter account that has attracted particular attention belongs to the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect. The nonprofit, named for the famous World War II diarist and Holocaust victim, says its mission is to address civil and human rights across America, and is led by a prominent social justice activist Steven Goldstein.
The Center sparked a furor on Tuesday, when it sent out a tweet alluding to “alarming parallels” between President Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler.
On Wednesday, it alleged Trump has “waged wars” on women, people of color and the LGBT community.
The tweets drew a flood of responses. Among the more prominent ruffled feathers was conservative commentator Ben Shapiro, who labeled the center “a disgrace to Anne Frank’s memory.”
“You know who talks like this? People who haven’t seen war,” wrote Iraq war veteran and a National Review commentator David French. Both French and Shapiro are usually vocal critics of Trump on the conservative side.
Predictably this backlash also sparked a counter response, perhaps the best of the bunch came from the @KrangTNelson account, which noted that they were “shocked” to learn that the Anne Frank center is anti-war.
The nonprofit responded to the critics by saying they will continue to comment on current affairs.
Meanwhile other people just seemed confused as to who Anne Frank was.