Inspiring images: People risk their lives saving animals from devastating Balkans flood

Unprecedented floods have raged across the Balkans affecting over a million people. Fleeing in panic, in packed boats and trucks, many owners could not bring their animals along – but others courageously risked their own lives to save beloved pets.
Raging floodwaters made saving pets dangerous.

But efforts have been underway to rescue any animals that survived the calamity, and reunite them with their owners.

People used whatever improvised means they could to save their animals…

And banded together to save multiple pets.

Even the military is helping to save animals

Although some animals have been left to fend for themselves.

Farming is a way of life in many of the poorer, hardest hit regions...

So saving livestock is a matter of life and death.

Some of the dog shelters in Serbia have focused on reuniting pets and their families.
And animals are grateful to their courageous saviors

Stunned by the scale of the natural disaster and the courage of locals trading their own safety to rescue their beloved pets, people are uniting online under the hashtags #HelpSerbia, #HelpBalkans #HelpCroatia, #HelpBosnia and others – to spread the word and try to secure some help for those in distress.
Many reputable organizations are accepting donations, including Red Cross Bosnia, Red Cross Croatia, Red Cross Serbia, Novak Djokovic Foundation, Government of Serbia and Association Pomozi. Serbian embassies around the world are also collecting donations.