MH370 flight satellite data released shows how Malaysia Boeing 777 went missing

The government of Malaysia has made raw satellite data public on the missing Malaysian Airlines Boeing. The document is set to confirm the previous conclusions that the plane went missing in southern part of the Indian Ocean.
As promised on Monday by Malaysian acting Transport and Defense Minister Hishammuddin Hussein, the country’s DCA (Department of Civil Aviation) and UK company, Inmarsat, released 47 pages of sat data following the demands of the relatives of 239 passengers and crew members that perished in the aircraft.
Now independent experts will be able to verify whether the flight 370 crashed in the southern Indian Ocean as maintained by Malaysian officials.
The aircraft disappeared on March 8 en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. Despite multiple reports about finding debris from the missing Boeing 777 in the ocean, all efforts to find the crash site have been in vain.
On May 18, former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad accused the CIA and Boeing of deliberately hiding vital information about missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370.
In his personal blog, the ex-PM claimed that the CIA seized control of the Boeing 777 jet after takeoff, pointing out that these days an aircraft could be remotely controlled by certain government agencies, such as the CIA, which then staged a fruitless rescue operation.
“It is a waste of time and money to look for debris or oil slicks or to listen for pings from the black box,” Mohamad said, as quoted by Australia’s Sydney Morning Herald.
“The plane is somewhere, maybe without MAS (Malaysia
Airlines) markings,” wrote Mohamad on his blog.
“Someone is hiding something,” he added. “It is not
fair that MAS and Malaysia should take the blame.”
Mahathir Mohamad is Malaysia’s longest serving prime minister, remaining in office for 22 years until 2003.
The circumstances surrounding the disappearance of the Malaysian Aircraft on March 8 have given rise to many theories, including a possible hijack. Investigators say the plane changed course before it disappeared and that the inflight communication system was “deliberately disabled” by someone on board.
Over two weeks after the Boeing 777 vanished from radar, Malaysian Airlines informed the families of the passengers that “beyond any reasonable doubt” flight MH370 had been lost and none of the people on board had survived. The announcement sparked fury amongst aggrieved families in China who accused the Malaysian government of lying to them and purposely hiding the truth. Officials say there were 160 Chinese nationals on the flight.
The hunt for the missing Malaysian jet continued for weeks, with the use of satellites, patrol aircrafts, ships and even robotic submarines.